Read. Be inspired. Go love.

Is it really possible to create a way of working based on love not fear? Yes. It’s not only possible. It’s essential. Learn more from this collection of more than 100 posts to inspire and guide you.

How Loving Leaders Show Appreciation
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

How Loving Leaders Show Appreciation

A few weeks ago, we blocked 25 minutes, set a timer, opened a blank email for each person, and customized a short, simple, sincere, note naming something specific you appreciated that week. And sent them.

So how did it go? Did you hear back from your team members? 

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Loving Leadership is Obvious!
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

Loving Leadership is Obvious!

I’d heard a version of this same statement numerous times this summer. In workshops. In meetings. In one-on-one conversations. I’ve read it in articles too.

“These ideas [about Loving Leadership] are so obvious. They are something we all know.”

But why don't we do them?

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Unlikely Roots
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

Unlikely Roots

You see, that fallen tree became the nurse log of new life. New strong seedlings sent down roots in and around the remains of the old tree. I found my voice, reclaimed my life, and with lots of support, had the courage to change and grow.


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The Life You Are Making
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

The Life You Are Making

What I'm reflecting on most is something I said to our friends when they expressed gratitude for us taking the time with them. 

“Yes, but this is the best of life! We wouldn't miss this time with you. This is what life is all about!" 

As a Loving Leader, don't forget that you are making your own life. 

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What Holds You?
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

What Holds You?

Loving Leaders hold the needs of people each day. And they hold the need to embed Love in all aspects of their work – in purpose, in process, in systems, in structures. They hold loving responsibility to care about these details.  

Loving Leader, as you do that work today, pause and remember what holds you, even while you are holding all this.

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Say “Yes”
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

Say “Yes”

Years ago, when I was in graduate school, Peter Block was teaching our class and asked for four volunteers but didn't say what for. I hesitated and four other people volunteered. Then he said, “Thank you. Now reflect and share with a partner about the choice you just made, and how that is representative of what you always do.” 

I was dumbstruck.

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So, What Would Carson Do?
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

So, What Would Carson Do?

When my eight year old grandson Carson came from Tennessee to stay with us in Washington State for two weeks in July, we committed to be TV and screen free for entertainment for his entire visit.

We wanted to make the most of our time with him. We wanted to give him different experiences that are just not as common for kids today - or for adults for that matter. And, honestly, we wanted to prove it could be done! 

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We Can’t Always Do the Hard Things. What Then?
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

We Can’t Always Do the Hard Things. What Then?

Sometimes even with our best efforts as leaders and on our teams, things don’t work out the way we envision. In fact, often they don’t!

If our standard of success is things going exactly as planned, then we would be paralyzed with inaction. We wouldn’t try new things. We wouldn’t tinker and puzzle and bounce ideas. We wouldn’t innovate or learn. We’d be stuck and stagnant. In a climate of threat, fear, and worry about perfection this is exactly what happens.

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Remembering You
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

Remembering You

Sometimes we think we need to show up in grandiose ways, with something profound to say or some big offer. Those have their place and time. But we also give so much encouragement by just being present for each other.

 The simple act of saying, “I was thinking of you,” or, “Saw this and thought of you,” or “Love what you shared,” or something similar lets people know they are seen.

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